Thursday, July 9, 2009


It's been HOT here. I don't like HOT. I like warm, that's ok. But HOT I don't like. Warm to me would be 90-105 degrees, that's easy to deal with and pretty comfortable. Lately we've been reaching 110+ and it's just horrendously HOT. Even with our dry heat.

It makes everything hard. Yesterday I went and dropped my daughter off at golf. It's the worst time of the day trafficwise and heatwise. I decided to go to the store on the way home. I don't know why when it's this hot you don't get hungry. So I get there to the store, get all my groceries and put them on the conveyer belt, get up to the debit machine and start digging in my purse for my wallet. Oh crap! Wallet isn't in there. Where is it? The Wal-mart clerk rolled her eyes and said, "That's interesting!" all sarcastic as she's bagging my groceries. I forgive her because the heat makes everyone grumpy. So I tell her to bag it all up and I'll go try to find my wallet. Meanwhile I'm freaking out, "Where's my wallet?" I drive home, look in the house, look upstairs.... Then I realize my daughter had it earlier when I asked her to put my change back in it. We stopped at Tastee Freeze for dipped cones earlier in the day. Ok, so relief floods me (I know it's got to be somewhere), but still I can't find it. Finally I look in the center console of my car. There it is. Why she put it there I have no clue. Kids! So I drive back to the store, go in and pay and unload it all. Whew! Meanwhile it's HOT and my head is hurting, heat exhaustion? Yes, probably. I get the cold stuff put away and get an ice cold drink and take a short break turned on Phinneas and Ferb and watched with Maci for a bit. She was my big helper throughout it all so we split a Vitamin Water.

So today it will be HOT again. And tomorrow, HOT again... Thank goodness for AC and swimming pools.

1 comment:

  1. The rumpledoodles from ur prev post surely sound great !!

    - Smita


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