Thursday, August 22, 2013

Frontera de Concha y Toro

Frontera Wines

I am a Bzzagent and got to try Frontera with the offer of a discount of $5 rebate off 2 bottles, I had the choice of Pinot Noir or Moscato.  I tried Moscato.  I couldn't find Pinot Noir, otherwise I would have tried both.  I just cracked it open:

My husband and I shared the bottle before dinner.  I have tried several different Moscato wines.  This is my favorite.  It's light, has a fruity, sweet (not too sweet) and light.  It would be good with cheese and grapes.  It would also be good with a spicy dish.  The best thing is not only do you get a good solid bottle of wine, you get it for about $5 a bottle!  So I will be trying the Pinot Noir when I find it.  I had trouble finding Frontera in my area.  I ended up finding it at Fry's in the refrigerator section, not on the shelf.