Iris: Our elderly cat, sort of neurotic, always wants to be near me, follows me whereever I go, lays at my feet or by my side, always there. She's a snowshoe Siamese, she was acquired from the Humane Society back in 1992, she was already 1.5 years old back then so she's about 18 or older. She was on Pets on Parade. Her original name was Menang, which was really stupid so we changed it.
Daisy day one, she was filthy dirty so I gave her a bath. Before and after shots. She has made herself right at home. But she's still in heat and I'm waiting very impatiently for a spay voucher to arrive from the county so I can get her spayed for free. She is driving everyone nuts!
Elbee - She was a gift for my 10 year old's ninth birthday. I was really anti-rodent before, but now I think she's super sweet and cute and I hold her all the time. This will be our last hamster though as I am doing most of the work!
Rest in Peace:
Lily 7/04/91 - 9/2007 - You are greatly missed. The best friend anyone could ever have. She was my favorite of all cats, she was Tonkinese or at least part Tonk, she was super smart, played tag with us, gave lots of head butts, tried to open the door by the handle. She was super intelligent.
Midori - 1992 - 2006 - Part black lab. She was a sweetheart. Look at that smile!
Marley - White Sheppard mix - 1993-200(not pictured)